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At Kuzang Global Limited, we’re proud to be the premier Hospitality Learning Platform offering a high-quality, flexible and personalized educational experience to each and every student. Take a look through our site to learn more about all we have to offer. Upgrade your Skills With Kuzang Global and have guaranteed success in your profession
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International Standard

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Our Courses are world class with your professional development in mind. We develop courses that
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“Our pariticipants share how our training website has empowered students to excel in hospitality and tourism, equipping them with the skills and knowledge needed for success in the industry!”

Dr. Kola Lawal
Head, Department of Tourism Management Technology, The Polytechnic, Ibadan
The practical training on Airfare and Ticketing was incredibly insightful and beneficial for me. I must say it exceeded my expectations. The content covered was comprehensive, and the trainer was highly knowledgeable and engaging. I particularly appreciated the hands-on approach and real-life examples shared during the sessions. It helped me grasp the concepts better and feel more confident in applying them.
Overall, I found the training program both WhatsApp and Microsoft Team meeting to be extremely valuable, and I feel better equipped to tackle challenges in the field of airfare and ticketing. I have no hesitation in providing a positive feedback and would highly recommend this program to others.
Once again, thank you for the opportunity to participate in this training. I look forward to applying the skills and knowledge gained in my future endeavours.
We got value for the money paid.Excellent delivery,well packaged and knowledgeable facilitators!!

Kate Ndupu

Awe Yewande A.
It’s been an awesome learning time for me. The real time scenarios did it for me! Learnt amidst other things to ensure customer satisfaction at all times, communicate adequately and show empathy to customers plight.